Borough Office 110 South Walnut Street Police Department 109 South Mulberry Street Martinsburg, PA 16662 The Borough Office is open daily Monday thru Friday 8 am to 12pm (closed noon) and 1 pm to 4:30 pm.
This is actually the same building, just separate entrances. If you plan to attend any future Council meetings or Authority meetings, please use the Walnut St. entrance. If the doors are locked, press the doorbell button below the speaker located just outside the entrance. There is a convenient mail slot near the Walnut St. entrance for water/sewer bill payments and a similar mail slot near the Mulberry St. entrance for payment of parking fines and to drop off completed (signed) traffic warning cards.
If you received a Swiftreach 911 Emergency Notification call from the Borough,
click here for more information
Borough Office Hours are:
8:00 am to noon and 1:00 pm to 4:30 pm - Monday through Friday.
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